525 / 5273572 / 357610 / 12
DeepCover v0.1.16
1# frozen_string_literal: true
3require "active_support/core_ext/object/try"
5module DateAndTime
6 module Calculations
8 monday: 0,
9 tuesday: 1,
10 wednesday: 2,
11 thursday: 3,
12 friday: 4,
13 saturday: 5,
14 sunday: 6
15 }
16 WEEKEND_DAYS = [ 6, 0 ]
18 # Returns a new date/time representing yesterday.
19 def yesterday
20 advance(days: -1)
21 end
23 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of days ago.
24 def prev_day(days = 1)
25 advance(days: -days)
26 end
28 # Returns a new date/time representing tomorrow.
29 def tomorrow
30 advance(days: 1)
31 end
33 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of days in the future.
34 def next_day(days = 1)
35 advance(days: days)
36 end
38 # Returns true if the date/time is today.
39 def today?
40 to_date == ::Date.current
41 end
43 # Returns true if the date/time is in the past.
44 def past?
45 self < self.class.current
46 end
48 # Returns true if the date/time is in the future.
49 def future?
50 self > self.class.current
51 end
53 # Returns true if the date/time falls on a Saturday or Sunday.
54 def on_weekend?
55 WEEKEND_DAYS.include?(wday)
56 end
58 # Returns true if the date/time does not fall on a Saturday or Sunday.
59 def on_weekday?
60 !WEEKEND_DAYS.include?(wday)
61 end
63 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of days ago.
64 def days_ago(days)
65 advance(days: -days)
66 end
68 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of days in the future.
69 def days_since(days)
70 advance(days: days)
71 end
73 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of weeks ago.
74 def weeks_ago(weeks)
75 advance(weeks: -weeks)
76 end
78 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of weeks in the future.
79 def weeks_since(weeks)
80 advance(weeks: weeks)
81 end
83 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of months ago.
84 def months_ago(months)
85 advance(months: -months)
86 end
88 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of months in the future.
89 def months_since(months)
90 advance(months: months)
91 end
93 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of years ago.
94 def years_ago(years)
95 advance(years: -years)
96 end
98 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of years in the future.
99 def years_since(years)
100 advance(years: years)
101 end
103 # Returns a new date/time at the start of the month.
104 #
105 # today = # => Thu, 18 Jun 2015
106 # today.beginning_of_month # => Mon, 01 Jun 2015
107 #
108 # +DateTime+ objects will have a time set to 0:00.
109 #
110 # now = DateTime.current # => Thu, 18 Jun 2015 15:23:13 +0000
111 # now.beginning_of_month # => Mon, 01 Jun 2015 00:00:00 +0000
112 def beginning_of_month
113 first_hour(change(day: 1))
114 end
115 alias :at_beginning_of_month :beginning_of_month
117 # Returns a new date/time at the start of the quarter.
118 #
119 # today = # => Fri, 10 Jul 2015
120 # today.beginning_of_quarter # => Wed, 01 Jul 2015
121 #
122 # +DateTime+ objects will have a time set to 0:00.
123 #
124 # now = DateTime.current # => Fri, 10 Jul 2015 18:41:29 +0000
125 # now.beginning_of_quarter # => Wed, 01 Jul 2015 00:00:00 +0000
126 def beginning_of_quarter
127 first_quarter_month = [10, 7, 4, 1].detect { |m| m <= month }
128 beginning_of_month.change(month: first_quarter_month)
129 end
130 alias :at_beginning_of_quarter :beginning_of_quarter
132 # Returns a new date/time at the end of the quarter.
133 #
134 # today = # => Fri, 10 Jul 2015
135 # today.end_of_quarter # => Wed, 30 Sep 2015
136 #
137 # +DateTime+ objects will have a time set to 23:59:59.
138 #
139 # now = DateTime.current # => Fri, 10 Jul 2015 18:41:29 +0000
140 # now.end_of_quarter # => Wed, 30 Sep 2015 23:59:59 +0000
141 def end_of_quarter
142 last_quarter_month = [3, 6, 9, 12].detect { |m| m >= month }
143 beginning_of_month.change(month: last_quarter_month).end_of_month
144 end
145 alias :at_end_of_quarter :end_of_quarter
147 # Returns a new date/time at the beginning of the year.
148 #
149 # today = # => Fri, 10 Jul 2015
150 # today.beginning_of_year # => Thu, 01 Jan 2015
151 #
152 # +DateTime+ objects will have a time set to 0:00.
153 #
154 # now = DateTime.current # => Fri, 10 Jul 2015 18:41:29 +0000
155 # now.beginning_of_year # => Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:00:00 +0000
156 def beginning_of_year
157 change(month: 1).beginning_of_month
158 end
159 alias :at_beginning_of_year :beginning_of_year
161 # Returns a new date/time representing the given day in the next week.
162 #
163 # today = # => Thu, 07 May 2015
164 # today.next_week # => Mon, 11 May 2015
165 #
166 # The +given_day_in_next_week+ defaults to the beginning of the week
167 # which is determined by +Date.beginning_of_week+ or +config.beginning_of_week+
168 # when set.
169 #
170 # today = # => Thu, 07 May 2015
171 # today.next_week(:friday) # => Fri, 15 May 2015
172 #
173 # +DateTime+ objects have their time set to 0:00 unless +same_time+ is true.
174 #
175 # now = DateTime.current # => Thu, 07 May 2015 13:31:16 +0000
176 # now.next_week # => Mon, 11 May 2015 00:00:00 +0000
177 def next_week(given_day_in_next_week = Date.beginning_of_week, same_time: false)
178 result = first_hour(weeks_since(1).beginning_of_week.days_since(days_span(given_day_in_next_week)))
179 same_time ? copy_time_to(result) : result
180 end
182 # Returns a new date/time representing the next weekday.
183 def next_weekday
184 if next_day.on_weekend?
185 next_week(:monday, same_time: true)
186 else
187 next_day
188 end
189 end
191 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of months in the future.
192 def next_month(months = 1)
193 advance(months: months)
194 end
196 # Short-hand for months_since(3)
197 def next_quarter
198 months_since(3)
199 end
201 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of years in the future.
202 def next_year(years = 1)
203 advance(years: years)
204 end
206 # Returns a new date/time representing the given day in the previous week.
207 # Week is assumed to start on +start_day+, default is
208 # +Date.beginning_of_week+ or +config.beginning_of_week+ when set.
209 # DateTime objects have their time set to 0:00 unless +same_time+ is true.
210 def prev_week(start_day = Date.beginning_of_week, same_time: false)
211 result = first_hour(weeks_ago(1).beginning_of_week.days_since(days_span(start_day)))
212 same_time ? copy_time_to(result) : result
213 end
214 alias_method :last_week, :prev_week
216 # Returns a new date/time representing the previous weekday.
217 def prev_weekday
218 if prev_day.on_weekend?
219 copy_time_to(beginning_of_week(:friday))
220 else
221 prev_day
222 end
223 end
224 alias_method :last_weekday, :prev_weekday
226 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of months ago.
227 def prev_month(months = 1)
228 advance(months: -months)
229 end
231 # Short-hand for months_ago(1).
232 def last_month
233 months_ago(1)
234 end
236 # Short-hand for months_ago(3).
237 def prev_quarter
238 months_ago(3)
239 end
240 alias_method :last_quarter, :prev_quarter
242 # Returns a new date/time the specified number of years ago.
243 def prev_year(years = 1)
244 advance(years: -years)
245 end
247 # Short-hand for years_ago(1).
248 def last_year
249 years_ago(1)
250 end
252 # Returns the number of days to the start of the week on the given day.
253 # Week is assumed to start on +start_day+, default is
254 # +Date.beginning_of_week+ or +config.beginning_of_week+ when set.
255 def days_to_week_start(start_day = Date.beginning_of_week)
256 start_day_number = DAYS_INTO_WEEK[start_day]
257 current_day_number = wday != 0 ? wday - 1 : 6
258 (current_day_number - start_day_number) % 7
259 end
261 # Returns a new date/time representing the start of this week on the given day.
262 # Week is assumed to start on +start_day+, default is
263 # +Date.beginning_of_week+ or +config.beginning_of_week+ when set.
264 # +DateTime+ objects have their time set to 0:00.
265 def beginning_of_week(start_day = Date.beginning_of_week)
266 result = days_ago(days_to_week_start(start_day))
267 acts_like?(:time) ? result.midnight : result
268 end
269 alias :at_beginning_of_week :beginning_of_week
271 # Returns Monday of this week assuming that week starts on Monday.
272 # +DateTime+ objects have their time set to 0:00.
273 def monday
274 beginning_of_week(:monday)
275 end
277 # Returns a new date/time representing the end of this week on the given day.
278 # Week is assumed to start on +start_day+, default is
279 # +Date.beginning_of_week+ or +config.beginning_of_week+ when set.
280 # DateTime objects have their time set to 23:59:59.
281 def end_of_week(start_day = Date.beginning_of_week)
282 last_hour(days_since(6 - days_to_week_start(start_day)))
283 end
284 alias :at_end_of_week :end_of_week
286 # Returns Sunday of this week assuming that week starts on Monday.
287 # +DateTime+ objects have their time set to 23:59:59.
288 def sunday
289 end_of_week(:monday)
290 end
292 # Returns a new date/time representing the end of the month.
293 # DateTime objects will have a time set to 23:59:59.
294 def end_of_month
295 last_day = ::Time.days_in_month(month, year)
296 last_hour(days_since(last_day - day))
297 end
298 alias :at_end_of_month :end_of_month
300 # Returns a new date/time representing the end of the year.
301 # DateTime objects will have a time set to 23:59:59.
302 def end_of_year
303 change(month: 12).end_of_month
304 end
305 alias :at_end_of_year :end_of_year
307 # Returns a Range representing the whole day of the current date/time.
308 def all_day
309 beginning_of_day..end_of_day
310 end
312 # Returns a Range representing the whole week of the current date/time.
313 # Week starts on start_day, default is <tt>Date.beginning_of_week</tt> or <tt>config.beginning_of_week</tt> when set.
314 def all_week(start_day = Date.beginning_of_week)
315 beginning_of_week(start_day)..end_of_week(start_day)
316 end
318 # Returns a Range representing the whole month of the current date/time.
319 def all_month
320 beginning_of_month..end_of_month
321 end
323 # Returns a Range representing the whole quarter of the current date/time.
324 def all_quarter
325 beginning_of_quarter..end_of_quarter
326 end
328 # Returns a Range representing the whole year of the current date/time.
329 def all_year
330 beginning_of_year..end_of_year
331 end
333 # Returns a new date/time representing the next occurrence of the specified day of week.
334 #
335 # today = # => Thu, 14 Dec 2017
336 # today.next_occurring(:monday) # => Mon, 18 Dec 2017
337 # today.next_occurring(:thursday) # => Thu, 21 Dec 2017
338 def next_occurring(day_of_week)
339 current_day_number = wday != 0 ? wday - 1 : 6
340 from_now = DAYS_INTO_WEEK.fetch(day_of_week) - current_day_number
341 from_now += 7 unless from_now > 0
342 advance(days: from_now)
343 end
345 # Returns a new date/time representing the previous occurrence of the specified day of week.
346 #
347 # today = # => Thu, 14 Dec 2017
348 # today.prev_occurring(:monday) # => Mon, 11 Dec 2017
349 # today.prev_occurring(:thursday) # => Thu, 07 Dec 2017
350 def prev_occurring(day_of_week)
351 current_day_number = wday != 0 ? wday - 1 : 6
352 ago = current_day_number - DAYS_INTO_WEEK.fetch(day_of_week)
353 ago += 7 unless ago > 0
354 advance(days: -ago)
355 end
357 private
358 def first_hour(date_or_time)
359 date_or_time.acts_like?(:time) ? date_or_time.beginning_of_day : date_or_time
360 end
362 def last_hour(date_or_time)
363 date_or_time.acts_like?(:time) ? date_or_time.end_of_day : date_or_time
364 end
366 def days_span(day)
367 (DAYS_INTO_WEEK[day] - DAYS_INTO_WEEK[Date.beginning_of_week]) % 7
368 end
370 def copy_time_to(other)
371 other.change(hour: hour, min: min, sec: sec, nsec: try(:nsec))
372 end
373 end